Fringe-Fingered Lizard
(August 2006) The Fringe-Fingered Lizard (Acanthodactylus erythrurus) is endemic to Iberia and North Africa, probably originating from the latter. Absent from Northern Spain, and the Balearics and the Canaries. Its preferred habitat is dry, flattish sandy scrub and shows a preference for dunes . Its English name is in reference to its long “fingers” enabling it to run over fine sand without sinking in. Takes insects and spiders with a particular perchant for ants (64% of diet in Doñana Here at vertebrados ibericos) and more than occasionally the young of its own kind. In turn is preyed on by reptiles (Coronella girondica, Malpolon monspessulanus, Vipera latastei and Chamaeleo chamaeleons), birds (Bubulcus ibis, Lanius excubitor, Upupa epops, Circus pygargus, Buteo buteo, Falco tinnunculus, Tyto alba) and Egyptian mongoose (Herpestes ichneumon). Young are also know to fall to black widow spiders (Latrodectus) in Granada. [all from above link]
This photo of a Fringe-Fingered Lizard was sent to me by Jill Schinas. She noted:
“attached is a photo of a little lizard who lives hereabouts, in the sandy, arid scrub-land on La Manga (Murcia). His main features are his brown and white pin-striped suit and his red under-carriage. (He is only red under his tail and his back legs, not under his belly.) Can you identify? ”
Once again thanks to reptile expert Cyberlizard for identifying this. Read what he has to say about Fringe-fingered lizards and more here (best English European reptile site on the web)
Full treatment in Spanish here
Acanthodactylus erythrurus – Lagartija colirroja (spanish); Sargantana cua-roja (catalan.), Sugandila buztangorria (Basque)
The Iberianature guide to Spain