Other vultures
- News on vultures in Spain
- Spanish Eagles and vultures (quiz)
- See also lammegeyers
On the forum
- Diclofenac,NSAIDS and the threat to Iberian vultures
- Vulture with bell
- Black vultures in the north
- Fapas, wind farms and Griffons
- Flying with Vultures
- Lice on Griffon vulture
- Egyptian Vultures in Soria
- Griffon vultures killed by poison and wind turbines
- Vultures of Spain
- vultures in catalunya
- BSE law’s effects on carrion-eating wildlife
- Juv Egyptian Vultures
- Griffon vultures
- Vulture feeding stations
- Poisoned Griffon vulture in the Sierra de Grazalema
- Bonelli’s Eagles losing nests to Griffon Vultures and Golden Eagles
- Article on Vulture Feeding Stations
The Iberianature guide to Spain