Archive for the ‘Iberianature news’ Category

Eight Iberian Lynx reintroduced in Spain

Thursday, July 3rd, 2014

lince Esperanza - HopeToday marks the beginning of the reintroduction of lynx in the central region of the Iberian Peninsula (Sierra Morena) by the  LIFE+Iberlince program. This area of Spain is considered to be one the historic distribution areas for this species and the release zone has been selected for future populations with a lot  habitat preparation work going on in the area for several years such as rabbit introduction and under road tunnels so that the animals can cross safely.

Hopefully, This initiative will allow the establishment of a new population, as well as allow connection with the close by reintroduction area of Guarrizas, which has already established itself as an area for lynx expansion and several stable and reproductively active individuals

The selection of the animals come from the breeding centres of Andalucia, Extremadura and Portugal with the need to ensure maximum genetic variability as well as sex ratio for the natural population.

Before being released, the lynx have had full veterinary health checks and photographic records of their flanks taken plus they are fitted with GPS collars.

There is a great live feed from the breeding centre in Acebuche (Doñana) here….

And please join in on the conversations over at the iberianature forum


New blogger at Iberianature?

Monday, March 17th, 2014

cliveI thought I would introduce myself 🙂 I guess I am a writer, photographer, Webmaster, Administrator and Holiday Coordinator. I have lived in Spain for over 12 years and during the last 8 in the beautiful village of Grazalema in Western Andalucia. My passion is wildlife and it’s connection to people. I am a founding member of The Iberianature Forum, the best (and only) English language resource for anyone who is interested in the nature, culture and history of Spain.

I spent the years January 2009 to January 2014 running the tourist information office in the village of Grazalema and dealing with over 2000 visitors to my office every month certainly took its toll. So, after I decided to close my office and “retire” hahaha, I was very happy that Nick asked me to write a few posts here on Iberianature.

I have recently created the Iberianature Business Directory of nature and wildlife companies in Spain.

I am the webmaster, sales manager and coordinator for Wildside Holidays and the greater part of my work goes on behind the scenes, making sure hotels are working well for our customers and organising the daily routine of breakfasts, lunches and evening meals.

The major projects I am involved with are: – The Business Directory – Blogging about the various aspects of Spanish wildlife, geography and history. – My nature walking holiday company – The best English language forum about the nature of Spain – My Grazalema tourist office website (spanish language mostly)

I guess I am not “retired” yet! I hope you enjoy my posts and links…


July nature news

Saturday, July 31st, 2010

Un urogallo cantábrico macho en celo

Apologies to regular readers. I’ve been neglecting this blog recently as I’ve been working feverously on the wildworld project. Here are a few news items I’ve missed:

Project to save the capercaillie in Asturias and Cantabria (RTVE) Only 500 birds are left in the entire Cantabrian mountains (above photo)

80 loggerhead turtles released in Cabo de Gata A total of 376 are to be set free

Lammergeyer return to the Picos de Europa Historic release of two females in the Picos de Europa, the first for 70 years. See also Lisa’s description of the release here.

Female lynx found dead in Sierra Morena

Interesting places in Spain

Wednesday, February 17th, 2010

The new Places in Spain site is coming on. Here are the places I’ve done so far:


Archive of articles

Thursday, February 11th, 2010

I’ve just posted this new archive of blog articles, organised by month and year. Hope it’s useful.

Spanish places

Tuesday, February 9th, 2010

I’ve been working recently on a new guide to places in Spain using Google maps as a way of organising them spatially. I find it interesting to see how places I’ve visited and/or written about over the years, join up together on the map. I still don’t understand how to get the best out of Google Maps, but I think that building up this database will allow lots of new forms of representing information. Visit Places in Spain
Have a look for example at these places:

Reptiles and amphibians on the forum

Tuesday, September 1st, 2009

The iberianatureforum has become the place to identify and learn about the reptiles and amphibians of Spain. Recently we’ve had discussions on sharped ribbed newts, viperine snakes, smooth snakes, horseshoe whipsnakes, tree frogs and juvenile ocellated lizards. More here

There’s also a rather nice seletion of images of reptiles and amphibians uploaded by our members.

British isles nature

Saturday, June 27th, 2009

Totally unrelated to Spain, but yes with nature and geography, I’ve been busy working on the new britainnature section, a guide to the geography and wildlife of the British Isles.

Visit britainnnature

Iberianature – pagerank of 5

Monday, June 22nd, 2009

Iberianature now been upped to a Google Page Rank of 5 and is now in Google Directory’s top ten travel sites for Spain. According to Google Analytics, iberianature (without the forum) receives every month over 70,000 visits, around 160,000 page views and 60,000 unique users

Google Directory

Barcelona blog

Wednesday, April 29th, 2009

The new iberianature Barcelona blog is starting to take shape…More on our walking tours shortly.
Barcelona blog