Today marks the beginning of the reintroduction of lynx in the central region of the Iberian Peninsula (Sierra Morena) by the LIFE+Iberlince program. This area of Spain is considered to be one the historic distribution areas for this species and the release zone has been selected for future populations with a lot habitat preparation work going on in the area for several years such as rabbit introduction and under road tunnels so that the animals can cross safely.
Hopefully, This initiative will allow the establishment of a new population, as well as allow connection with the close by reintroduction area of Guarrizas, which has already established itself as an area for lynx expansion and several stable and reproductively active individuals
The selection of the animals come from the breeding centres of Andalucia, Extremadura and Portugal with the need to ensure maximum genetic variability as well as sex ratio for the natural population.
Before being released, the lynx have had full veterinary health checks and photographic records of their flanks taken plus they are fitted with GPS collars.
There is a great live feed from the breeding centre in Acebuche (Doñana) here….
And please join in on the conversations over at the iberianature forum