I just came across this fairly amazing website with very much up to date information and research into Western Europes Bonelli’s Eagle populations. The latest studies are showing that the population in Northern Spain is at greatest risk.
The studies, based long-term monitoring of Bonelli’s Eagle populations in the Iberian Peninsula have revealed demographic relationships among different populations and has provided an insight into population dynamics in Western Europe.
The Bonelli’s Eagle (Aquila fasciata) is one of the most typical -and most endangered – raptors of the Mediterranean region and the Conservation Biology Group of the University of Barcelona (UB) has been researching this species Since 1980 perhaps the most amazing thing of all is the website is in English and all of the studies are freely available to read.
Go to the website – Conservation Biology Group of the University of Barcelona here.
And of course Join in on the subject over at the Iberianature forum.