Latest lynx news

This year’s Iberian lynx captive breeding programme is going well. Here is a quick round-up the latest figures.

11 females have so far given birth to cubs . There are now 19 surviving cubs born this year, 17 of which are being raised by their mothers and 2 are in intensive care at  El Acebuche. More detail here

On the negative side, I’d missed this bad news from Doñana in March reported on Dan Ward’s Lynxblog.

Theo, a seven year old female lynx, pregnant with two cubs, was killed by a motor vehicle on 13 March on a road between Algodonera and Laguna de San Lázaro, within the Doñana protected area. This incident follows a number of similar lynx deaths in the area in recent years, including just six months ago when a lynx was runover on the busy Almonte – Matalascañas road alongside the National Park. Moreover, Theo was killed on an agricultural road that had been recently re-surfaced and upgraded to allow traffic to drive much more quickly. Read complete article

The above photo is from the ex-situ website and is of one of last year’s cubs.
