Iberian Lynx in Castilla-la Mancha 2

As more information starts to come out, it seems that there may well be a population of Iberian lynx in Castilla-la Mancha. If true, this is incredibly good news for the species, and the most remarkable news about wildlife in Spain this year. It increases the lynx’s chance of recovery significantly because of increased distribution area, genetic diversity and sheer numbers. It seems La Junta de Castilla-la Mancha have been “secretly” monitoring lynxes for some time, and have now decided to make this public.  Detection has been made with photo-trapping and DNA analysis of scats. They seem to be saying that a significant number of are individuals have been found.

 In a piece on their own websitewritten a couple of years ago they stated they’re working on the detection and conservation of the Iberian lynx in the eastern Montes de Toledo: río Bullaque, arroyo Bullaquejo, Sierra de Picón, río Guadiana, Sierra Morena, Sierra del Relumbrar and río Guadalmena-Cerro Vico.

This is probably the area we’re talking about.

 More here from WWF who praise the pioneering work done by La Junta de Castilla-la Mancha in rabbit conservation, fundamental for the survival of the lynx. WWF note that it is essential to establish a ecological corridor between Sierra Morena and Montes de Toledo.

  • Why the secrecy? Perhaps they’ve kept quiet because these are big private estates and they don’t want the publicity. There are a number of unanswered questions though.
  • How many lynxes are there?
  • Did the other lynx authorities know about it?
  • I think it is good that CLM has announced the news. They are the maximum authority in charge of wildlife in the area and it means they are taking it seriously – how would the region of Madrid have reacted I wonder. BUT Why release the news now and why wasn’t it wasn’t co-ordinated, as Lisa on the forum, points out with environmental organisations and indeed with Astrid Vargas? More soon I’m sure.

More on the forum http://www.iberianatureforum.com/index.php/topic,8.msg6601.html#msg6601