A guide to the environment, climate, wildlife, & nature of Spain -Written + designed by Nick Lloyd
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Spain Nature Book. I'm writing a book based on this website. Would you be interested in such a book? Please email me with your thoughts. Thanks Nick
Spain nature news and articles. Updated 22/06/2006

Natural History Trivia New Section (nothing to do with Spain, been thinking about this for some time.) Including Etymology of mammal names.(22/06) Spain Nature news Noticias de naturaleza (Castellano -Actualizado 29/05)

Online Spanish nature videos on wetlands, fire, drying out of the Med, lesser kestrel, lynx, Albufera, ibex...etc) Iberian lynx videos -+ dead lynx cub (13/06) Geography of Madrid (intro)(09/06)Success for Iberian Lynx conservation in the Sierra Morena (08/06) Fringe-Fingered Lizard (03/06) Wolves in Galicia - 30 bear cubs born in Cordillera Cantabrica - Good news for lynxes in Doñana)-Birds in Spain round up (lesser kestrel webcam+videos, lammergeyer reintroduction in Andalusia and first plant pollinating birds in Europe found in Extremadura-Bears in Spain round-up . Pyrenees reintroduction Iberian lynx news Abril 2006

Wolf watching in the Sierra de la Culebra

Briefs, updates, new photos, corrections

Natural History Trivia

-Sistema Central(09/06)-- Cantabrian Mountains (08/06)-Megarian banded Centipede --Pyrenean chamois and Cantabrian chamois - Castilian black storks tracked in Africa - Rabies in Spain from bats - Charles Darwin on Spanish hedgehogs

Spain in facts and figures  (odd facts Spain) - A-Z Guide: A - B - C-CL - CO-CU - D - E -Site map

Spain Trivia, Facts and Figures on Spain

"Iberia produces many deer and wild horses. In places, also, its marshes teem with life; and there are birds, swans and the like; and also bustards in great numbers. As for beavers, the rivers produce them, but the castor from these beavers does not have the same efficacy as that from the beavers of the Pontus ...And it is peculiar to Iberia , according to Poseidonius, that the crows are black there and also that the slightly dappled horses of Celtiberia change their colour when they brought over to Farther Iberia". More from Strabo on Iberia (beavers have been extinct in Spain since at least the 18th century). Spain Trivia

Trees and plants of Spain

Holm oaks and the dehesa - Chestnut blight / Chestnuts in Spain - -Monumental trees and encinas Acorns and rats in Castile - Flora in Spain

Nature and wildlife photos of Spain

Photos of Asturias Luis M. Lafuente

Paleontology and prehistory of Spain

Altamira -Ape ancestor discovery and Spain in the Miocene

Literature and accounts on Spain

George Orwell on the cold in Spain - The Costas in Literature (various inc. J.G. Ballard on Costa del Sol) - Juan Goytisolo on eating lizards in Spain - Paul Theroux on Almeria - Epistemology in Don Quixote Complete texts Strabo on Iberia in "Geography" - Homage to Catalonia

Other things

Els Aiguamolls and Malaria (by Francis Barrett) - Spanish landscape paintings -On the Barcelona-Madrid Ave (with Flash - The ghost station of Guadalajara) - El Valle de Cabúerniga - History of Malaria in Spain - Tiger mosquitoes and the history of yellow fever and dengue in Spain

Spain nature news archive Site map

Geography of Andalusia
Climate of Andalusia
Natural history of Andalusia

Environment of Andalusia
Wildlife of Andalusia
Andalusia Environment
Andalusia climate
Andalusia geography
Andalusia nature
Andalusia wildlife
Environment of Andalucia
Geography of Andalucia

Climate of Andalucia
Natural history of Andalucia
Wildlife of Andalucia
Andalucia Environment
Andalucia climate
Andalucia geography
Andalucia nature
Andalucia wildlife
Andalucia wetlands
Andalucia birds
Andalusia wetlands
Andalusia birds
Relief of Andalucia
Mountains of Andalucia
Relief of Andalusia
Mountains of Andalusia
Rivers of Andalucia
River of Andalusia
Tempertures of Andalucia
Tempertures of Andalusia
Rainfall of Andalucia
Rainfall of Andalusia

  • Geography of Navarra
    Climate of Navarra
    Natural history of Navarra
    Wildlife of Navarra
    Navarra Environment
    Navarra geography
    Navarra nature
    Navarra birds
  • Geography of Valencia
    Climate of Valencia
    Natural history of Valencia
    Wildlife of Valencia
    Valencia Environment
    Valencia geography
    Valencia birds

Wildlife of Spain -Wild boar in Spain

Birds in Spain news - Wolves in Spain -(with radio doc) (11/06) Wolf watching in the Sierra de la Culebra -Spanish Bear News - Iberian Lynx - Iberian Lynx News - Reptiles in Spain -Lammergeyers in Spain - Bonelli's eagle -Guide to Birds of Spain - More Spanish wildlife

Geography of Spain

Mountains in Spain - Climate of Spain - Climate change in Spain - Rivers in Spain - Glaciers in Spain - Wetlands and lakes in Spain - Physical geography and geology of Spain(09/06)- Little Ice Age in Spain -History of malaria in Spain - Earthquakes in Spain - More Spanish Geography

Nature sites in Spain

Nature and wildlife of Andalusia - Nature and wildlife of Asturias and Cantabria - Nature and wildlife of Catalonia (12/06)- Nature and wildlife of Aragon - Nature and wildlife of Castilla y Leon - Nature and wildlife of Galicia - Nature and wildlife of Madrid -(19/06) Nature and wildlife of Navarra and the Basque Country - Nature and wildlife of Extremadura - Nature and wildlife of Castilla La Mancha - Nature and wildlife of Valencia and Murcia - Nature and wildlife of the Canaries - Nature and wildlife of the Balearic Islands

Environmental issues in Spain

Forest fires in Spain - Drought in Spain - Spain and Asian Bird Flu - Glaciers melting in the Pyrenees - Wind farms - Greenhouse expanion in Almeria

Food in Spain

Barnacles in Spain - Courgettes, gourds and aubergines - Cows and Beef in Spain - Edible sea urchins - Lizard eating tradition - Olive farming. olives and oil - Pepper and peppers (Francis) - Tomatoes - Cow cheeses in Spain list - Mad cows in Spain Autochthonous breeds of cows in Spain - Olive farming. olives and oil (Nick and Francis) - Chestnuts in Spain

Also somewhere on iberianature

Badgers in Spain - -Wolves, boars and capercaillie - Deer in Spain - Barbary apes in Gibraltar - European and American mink - Coypu in Spain - Pyrenean mountain goat - Origin of Iberian Lynx and Imperial Eagle - English-Spanish-Latin mammal checklist for Spain - -- Bats in Spain - Chamois in Spain - European and American mink - Acorns and rats in Castile Mammals in Spain -Wild Cats in Spain - El Oso y el Madroño (The Bear and the Strawberry tree)

Spain and Asian Bird Flu - Capercaillie in Spain - Virtual atlas of birds in Spain. - Spanish Osprey news/ Ospreys breed in mainland Spain for first time in 20 years. - Record white stork count - Endangered birds in Spain - Bird atlas and changes in land use in Catalonia - Lammergeyers in Spain - Bonelli's eagle - Azure-winged magpie - Wolves, boars and capercaillie Canary Islands Oystercatcher (extinct) - birds of Iberia - Iberian birds

-Amphibians in Spain (frogs, toads, newts)- Iberian green frogs - Bites and Stings -Horseshoe whipsnake - Viperine snake - Montpellier snake - Montpellier snake in La Manga -Venomous snakes in Spain -Tradition of eating lizards in Spain - Freshwater fish in Spain - Spanish -English -Latin -Invasive fish - Rays, weaver fish and scorpionfish - Shark attacks in Spain - Other fish and crustaceans could disappear from Bay of Biscay - Cantabrian anchovies threatened with wipe-out

Ants in Spain - - Barnacles in Spain - Bees in Spain - Bites and stings (the land) -Bites and stings (the sea) Black widow spiders - Butterflies in Spain - History of Malaria in Spain - Jellyfish in Spain - Land invertebrates in Spain - Locusts in Spain - Scorpions in Spain - Spiders in Spain - Tiger mosquitoes and the history of yellow fever and dengue in Spain - starfish - Beekeeping in Spain

-Almanzor - Aneto - Atlantic and Mediterranean seas of Spain - Average precipitation for Spain - Castilian synonyms for mountain, hill and crag - -Highest mountains in Spain -Highest mountains in Spain by province - -Physical geography and geology of Spain - Principal rivers (and water basins) - Rivers in Spain - Spanish Provinces by surface area (km2) and altitude bands -Cumbre Vieja tsunami debate - Dehesa - Deva river - -Duero (river) -The River Ebro Glaciers in the Pyrenees - Land boundaries of Spain - Mega-tsunami of La Palma

Climate change threat to Sierra Nevada Flora - Temperature records - Temperatures in Spain - George Orwell on the cold in Spain - Winds in Spain - Storms, hailstones and lightning in Spain

Temperatures of Asturias - Temperatures of Aragon - Tempeatures of Andalusia - Rain Asturias - Rain Aragon - Rain Andalusia - temperatures in Spain

Environment of Catalonia
Geography of Catalonia

Climate of Catalonia
Natural history of Catalonia
Wildlife of Catalonia
Catalonia Environment
Catalonia climate
Catalonia geography
Catalonia nature
Catalonia wildlife
Catalonia wetlands
Catalonia birds
Aragon -Climate of Aragon - Environment of Aragon
Geography of Aragon
Climate of Aragon
Natural history of Aragon
Wildlife of Aragon
Aragon Environment
Aragon geography
Aragon nature
Aragon birds

Geography of Asturias
Climate of Asturias
Natural history of Asturias
Wildlife of Asturias
Asturias Environment
Asturias geography
Asturias nature
Asturias birds

Geography of Balears
Climate of Balears
Natural history of Balears
Wildlife of Balears
Balears Environment
Balears geography
Balears nature
Balears birds

Basque Country



temperatures in Spain in Janauary - temperatures in Spain in February - temperatures in Spain in March - temperatures in Spain in April - temperatures in Spain in May - temperatures in Spain in June -temperatures in Spain in July - temperatures in Spain in August - temperatures in Spain in September - temperatures in Spain in October - temperatures in Spain in November - temperatures in Spain in December temperature in Spain in Janauary - temperature in Spain in February - temperature in Spain in March - temperature in Spain in April - temperature in Spain in May - temperature in Spain in June temperature in Spain _ temperature in Spain in July - temperature in Spain in August - temperature in Spain in September - temperature in Spain in October - temperature in Spain in November - temperature in Spain in December - rainfall in Spain in Janauary - rainfall in Spain in February - rainfall in Spain in March - rainfall in Spain in April - rainfall in Spain in May - rainfall in Spain in June - rainfall in Spain in July - rainfall in Spain in August - rainfall in Spain in September - rainfall in Spain in October - rainfall in Spain in November - rainfall in Spain in December

precipitation in Spain in Janauary - precipitation in Spain in February - precipitation in Spain in March - precipitation in Spain in April - precipitation in Spain in May - precipitation in Spain in June precipitation in Spain _ precipitation in Spain in July - precipitation in Spain in August - precipitation in Spain in September - precipitation in Spain in October - precipitation in Spain in November - precipitation in Spain in December - climate in Spain in Janauary - climate in Spain in February - climate in Spain in March - climate in Spain in April - climate in Spain in May - climate in Spain in June climate in Spain _ climate in Spain in July - climate in Spain in August - climate in Spain in September - climate in Spain in October - climate in Spain in November - climate in Spain in December

Note on thumbnail images: I understand that I am allowed to use thumbnail images for non-commercial purposes as their low resolution renders them commercially "worthless". Someone correct me if this is not the case

  • Geography of Castilla y León
    Climate of Castilla y León
    Natural history of Castilla y León
    Wildlife of Castilla y León
    Castilla y León Environment
    Castilla y León geography
    Castilla y León nature
    Castilla y León birds
  • Castilla-La Mancha
  • Extremadura
  • Galicia
  • Madrid
  • Murcia
  • andalucia snakes
  • snakes in the Pyrenees
Site visitors Individual visits in December 2006: 40,604

Iberian Landscape and Nature Dictionary



* abedul - azud


* babieca - buscarla


* caballito del diablo - curruca


* daina - duna


* eider - eucalipto


* faces - fumarel


* galacho - gusano de seda


* hacho - hueva

* ibai - koba

* labrador - llovizna


* macizo - musgo


* naranjal - oyhan


* págalo - quejigal


* rabia (la) - ruiseñor


* sacavera - surco


* tábano - tudanca


* ullal - vuelvepiedras


* xabalín - zarcero